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HD Farm berdiri sejak 2014 dan tepat berada di Cinyurup. Anda bisa mengajak keluarga bersantai di sini, menikmati pemandagan kota Pandeglang dari atas sembari minum susu segar produksi sendiri. Aneka makanan khas Cinyurup seperti TOM YUM CInyurup atau rujak 7 bulanan tersedia. Tersedia guide yang akan menjelaskan dunia kelinci, sapi dan kambing kepada buah hati Anda.


Jika Anda ingin menginap, HD farm menyediakan tenda dengan pemandangan indah ke kota Pandeglang. Limited hanya 4 tenda ukuran 4 orang/tenda. Tertarik? Segera reservasi hanya melalui WA 08999688800 / Kang Awan.



HD Farm was founded in 2014 right in Cinyurup. You can take your family for a relaxing afternoon here, enjoying the panorama of Pandeglang city while having a glass of self-brewed fresh milk. There are some Cinyurup local food such as Cinyurup TOM YUM or rujak 7 bulanan- some kind of fruit salad. There will be a guide to tell you all about our rabbits, cows, and goats to your little ones. 


If you would like to stay the night, HD Farm provides tents with beautiful views over the city below. Tents are limited to 4 units with 4 people/tent. Interested? Reserve immediately through WhatsApp 08999688800 / Kang Awan..

HD Farm

© 2017: text by Erika Suryanegara & I Putu Suryanegara, pictures by Tikki Budiman & Erika Suryanegara

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